Anti-Ragging Committee

Ragging in any form is an offence and punishable. The students and parents are expected to give the declaration as per the guidelines given by the DCI at the time at admission. The Anti-Ragging committee and the anti-ragging squad and every employer of the Institute are in vigil, the students and parents are informed to report any incident of ragging found in the class room, campus, transport and in the library: both during and before and after the college hours.

Prompt and severe action will be taken against those indulging in Ragging activities as per the Tamilnadu Prohibition of Ragging Act 1997.

Anti-ragging Committee has been constituted with the following members. Any ragging related issues can be brought to the notice of any of the members of the committee for further action.

Anti Ragging Cell

Anti-Ragging commitee - 2023-2024