Dr. M. Jaya M.Com.,M.Phil.,MBA.,Ph.D, SLET, PGDFM, PGDCA
Dean – Academics & Research
Dr.M. Jaya, Dean – Academics & Research is a highly accomplished academician and expert in the field of finance. She act as Academic Head for the Department of Management Studies of AIM. She holds a Ph.D. in Management Studies from a renowned university with a strong analytical and research skill.With a passion for research and teaching, she has made significant contributions to the development and success of academic programs and institutions. Her research work is widely recognized and published in prestigious academic journals and has received critical acclaim for its originality and relevance to real-world issues.She also serves on editorial boards of reputable international journals, contributing to the peer-review process and shaping the future of finance research.Through participating in national and international conferences, she presents her research findings and also serves as a resource person in academic discussions with fellow scholars. She has published text books, monographs, solved series and edited book volumes. She has served as a member of Board of Studies of various colleges, Doctoral Committee of various universities, Expert Committee and Selection Committee of University of Madras and Education Committee of Madras Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
Dr.M. Jaya acts as the IQAC Coordinator of the college and provides strategic direction, sets academic policies, and ensures compliance with accreditation standards. She actively seeks ways to enhance the learning experience and support services offered to students through designing, coordinating and implementing value added programs of the institution. She cultivates external relationships and partnerships to expand the institution’s academic reach and engages with industry leaders, professional organizations, and other academic institutions to foster collaboration, promote research opportunities, and create pathways for career development opportunities through entering into Memorandum of Understandings (MOUs) and Academic Collaborations.
Ph.d Title
A Study on Market Capitalisation of Indian Information Technology Industry
No. of National and International Articles Published – 30
No. of papers presented in International, National level conferences and seminars – 30
No.of Textbooks and Monographs Published-10