Assistant Professor
A perfect blend of academics, industry and research experience. The skill matrix acquired over the twenty two years made him an enthusiastic individual possessing zeal for learning with excellentcommunication. He is keen, conscientious, with a friendly disposition; and has been placed inpositions of trust with a great deal of responsibility. He is an efficient and reliable individual who can work alone or as part of a team work well under extreme pressure, and remain calm with the ability to prioritise. His proven diversified ability to organise, prioritise and work in a team and by self has always made him stand-out member of the department. He has been appreciated for his excellent Administrative Capacity and Counselling power in the areas of admissions and conflict management. His excellence has been recognized by the institutions and deputed him for different administrative role in placements, admissions coordinator, NSS programme officer, facilitator and event management. He takes self-initiative through innovative teachingpractices as Case Study Method, Simulation classes, Application based learning, Experiential learning and Projectbased learning, Strategic Reviews, etc. He has 20+ publications in ABDC, Scopus, UGC care & reputed peer reviewed journals.